Part L Report for building refurbishment
GreenFish Consulting has been contracted to undertake a part L2A compliance analysis on the proposed works at site.
The thermal model has been produced in line with industry guidelines using approved software ‘IES Virtual Environment’, this software has been used to model the geometry of the building and simulate the buildings solar gains / shading, ventilation and CO2 emissions. The air movement portion of the analysis does not extend to full CFD modelling which is beyond the scope of the software and this report. IES suncast has be used within the compliance report to account for window shading.
Please note that the building regulations Part L2A 2023 IES ApacheSim DSM level 5 has been used.
As this stage in the project exact efficiency and thermal performance of fabric and system is unknown so the figures entered have been estimated on the worst case scenario so that on completion of the project the building should operate to a higher standard that reported.
Room Loads Report
London Project
This report details the CIBSE steady state heating loads as calculated for each room within the London project.
Heating Loads implements CIBSE procedures for the calculation of room heating requirements and the sizing of heating plant. Steady-state room heat losses are calculated in the absence of casual and solar heat gains. The calculation optionally includes conduction heat gains from adjacent rooms and the effects of mechanical and natural ventilation air exchanges.
Include heat gains from adjacent rooms have not been included in the calculation, if you tick this box the calculation will include the effects of heat gains from neighbouring rooms, leading to reduced figures for net heat loss. The gains may be from conduction or air movement. A strict application of CIBSE recommendations requires this box to be un-ticked. However, by including heat gains from adjacent rooms a more realistic calculation of heat loss is obtained.
These loads are space conditioning loads only, and do not include any allowance for domestic hot water.
Part L Report for Extension of a dwelling
GreenFish Consulting has been contracted to undertake a Part L Compliance Analysis Extension of a dwelling on the works at Site 1.
SAP 10 Approved software has been used from Elmhurst Energy Systems LTD, 16 St Johns Business Park Lutterworth Leicestershire LE17 4HB to provided output calculations.
This was undertaken in line with the guidance set out in section 10 of the Approved Document Part L Volume 1: Dwellings using the Alternative approach 10.10.
“10.10 As an alternative approach to paragraphs 10.7 or 10.9, the Standard Assessment Procedure may be used to show that the dwelling primary energy rate, the dwelling emission rate and the dwelling fabric energy efficiency rate for the dwelling and proposed extension do not exceed those for the dwelling plus a notional extension. The notional extension should be the same size and shape as the proposed extension and comply with paragraph 10.7. The openings in the notional extension should conform with paragraph 10.7d, with the door area set as equal to the door area of the proposed extension and the remainder of the openings being classified as windows.”
EPC + Reporting
Limited Council Stock
GreenFish Consulting have been instructed by a Local authority to Prepare + Reports for a number of sites
The primary purpose of this report is to identify measures to improve the EPC rating to show how upgrades to the building and its HVAC and lighting would affect its energy rating with the aim to step towards carbon reduction.
The report shows the property as existing and its current EPC rating and makes recommendations that will result in an improvement to the EPC rating.
The specific measures recommended, along with the predicted improved EPC rating and Co2 summary are detailed later in the report.
DSM Assessment
This technical analysis has been prepared for Client by GreenFish Consulting, a construction consultancy specialising in sustainability, energy conservation and the application of renewable energy technologies. It has been prepared to evaluate compliance with Part O of the Building Regulations:2021
The purpose of this report is to assess whether the proposed design is likely to suffer from an excessive risk of summer overheating. To assess this risk, the property has been modelled and run through a dynamic thermal simulation, evaluating the performance of the building over the course of a year.